Freshwater Live Stock and Plants
We have large systems containing fish groups such as:
- African Cichlids: Malawi & Lake Tanganyika
- American Cichlids: Stunning range of small & large cichlids
- Australian Natives: For Aquarium or Pond
- Australian & PNG Rainbows: Finest selection of Australian & PNG native rainbows
- Catfish: Variety of Corydoras, Bristlenose & Plecostomus
- Goldfish: Huge range of standard & fancy goldfish
- Discus: One of Brisbanes biggest & most beautiful range
- Tropicals: Large range of Freshwater Tropical Fish
- Snails & Shrimp: Clean your tank the natural way
- Siamese Fighting Fish: Assorted Colours, Crown Tails & other fancy Fighters
Plants: We offer a wide range of temperate and tropical plants, both bunched and in pots, plus we stock plant supplements, fertilisers, and CO2 systems to ensure excellent plant growth - just ask!